Marketing, advertising, and the search for meaning.
A funny thing happened on the way to the digital age. As advances in technology wired us all together; information became cheap and easy to access; consumer choices exploded; and our options for getting, knowing, and sharing practically anything expanded
The business of simple marketing
A large part of what marketing should do is distill a client’s desired messaging into an easy to understand and actionable message. This isn’t always as easy as it might seem. Clients, of course, are in the business of making money and
Position statements, slogans and taglines, oh my!
Position statements, slogans and taglines, oh my! Well, there she goes: The Wicked Witch of the West, brooming about the sky, spewing smoke and cackling away as she spells out her evil message to the Emerald City, a trembling Dorothy and
Give lucid statements to strong ideas
At the risk of dating myself, I’ve been in the business of creative production for some 30 years. Over those years I’ve seen astounding changes in the framework from which we go about producing that thing we call “creative,” an
When taglines become outdated, what’s a brand to do?
Every brand strives to achieve such recognition of their name and tagline that consumers immediately know the product. This is a good thing. It strengthens the brand in the marketplace, creates top of mind awareness, and can drive brand preference. But
Who is the face of your brand?
I recently walked into a mountain town restaurant for breakfast, the name of which will remain anonymous to protect the clueless. I was greeted promptly by a young man who looked like he just got out of bed. His hair
How to…
In the almost three years of blogging, we've developed a pretty robust archive of educational posts
Oh, the Hyperbole
This is an incredibly powerful blog. You will only describe it as amazing. It will astound you with its brilliance. It will blow your mind. It will change your life. If you have dreams it will make them come true.
Email marketing: how often is too often?
I once ordered a pair of pants from Brand X. They are a fine pair of pants and I look fabulous wearing them. I once ordered a shirt from Brand Y. It is a fine shirt and, of course, I
How to Create an Effective Billboard
As the digital revolution has fragmented, revolutionized, and sometimes marginalized traditional media, there is one medium that has remained relatively unscathed and virtually unchanged: ye olde billboard. Known as outdoor advertising in the jargon of the industry, billboards still provide