Tips for redesigning a website
Website builds and redesigns are typically large projects for business owners and marketing executives. Websites are the central marketing asset and require significant investment. There's a lot riding on good website design so we put together some tips if you're starting
Advertising as Storytelling
So here we are, deep into the information age, awash with data, rich in metrics and able to present the marketplace with a truly impressive array of facts and figures to compel and persuade people to behave in a certain
Influencer Marketing
Marketing that uses an individual to influence target markets toward specific brands and products is not a new thing. We're all used to athletes and celebrities endorsing brands in mass media. But social media has shifted power away from brands
Brand Management
A couple thousand years before the birth of Christ, ancient Egyptian farmers began burning individual marks on the hides of their goats to discourage thievery, introducing the concept of a “brand” to the world. A thousand years ago, Japanese warriors
Yelp for Medical Practices: Do or Do Not
When someone mentions Yelp, do you automatically think of restaurant ratings? What about hair salons? Or your local doctor’s office? More and more, Yelp is branching off from its well-known restaurant ratings and making inroads with Yelpers to rate entertainment
Why you need to get it right with your ad claims
Awhile back, Dan wrote a blog about how hyperbole will ultimately invalidate your message due to its insincerity. But there’s another pitfall with hyperbole: legal woes. On a legal level, there’s a fine line between truth and fiction. Hyperbole and puffery walk
Finding the Ideal Target Audience
Marketers always talk about the “target audience,” and for good reason. A target audience represents people who buy, or perhaps more accurately, who you want to buy, your product or service. They can be defined by demographic metrics: age, gender, income,
How to Work With an Advertising Agency
So, you’re the owner, manager or CEO of a small to medium sized business and you’ve outgrown your in-house marketing capabilities. You’ve never worked with an advertising agency before but now you’re considering it. This is new territory for you
How to Create an Email Marketing Campaign
We all get them. And we all immediately trash most of them. But there are a select few that I decide to spend time with. I’m talking about newsletter-type mass emails, of course. Such is the game of email marketing. So
Word Crimes, or What Grammar Says About Your Brand
Grammar isn’t one of those things you usually notice until it starts going wrong. With people texting exponentially more than they did a decade ago and e-mail becoming a nearly ubiquitous primary source of communication in place of phone calls